Backblaze Nextcloud

To ensure data integrity, we first will set NextCloud into Maintenance Mode. This ensures that nobody is working actively on NextCloud and reduces the risk of corrupt backups. Rekordbox licence. Cd /var/www/nextcloud sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode -on Step 2 – Mounting the Backup Server. Download mascom card reader driver. On your NextCloudServer create a new directory. NextCloud & BackBlaze B2 secure backup script / howto I wanted to share my backup script with everyone. This is a script that enables maintenance mode, syncs to Backblaze B2 all of your files (encrypted by NextCloud), all of your encryption keys (enclosed in a tarball encrypted by a separate GPG key) and SQL dumps (also encrypted with that GPG.

Nextcloud backblaze b2
# NextCloud to BackBlaze B2 Backup Script
# Author: Autoize (
# This script creates an incremental backup of your NextCloud instance at BackBlaze's off-site location.
# BackBlaze B2 is an object storage service that is much less expensive than using Amazon S3 for the same purpose, with similar versioning and lifecycle management features.
# Uploads are free, and storage costs only $0.005/GB/month compared to S3's $0.022/GB/month.
# Requirements
# - BackBlaze B2 account (10 GB Free) - Create one at
# - Python 3.x and Python PIP - sudo apt-get install python3 && wget && sudo python3
# - BackBlaze B2 CLI installed from PyPI - sudo pip install b2
# Instructions
# 1. Insert the following line in your NextCloud config.php file above the ); to move the cache above each user's data directory.
# If /media/external/CloudDATA is not your data directory, substitute the relevant directory before /cache.
# 'cache_path' => '/media/external/CloudDATA/cache',
# 2. Create a bucket and obtain your Account ID and Application Key from your B2 account.
# 3. Authenticate your CLI using the b2 authorize_account command.
# 4. Save this script to a safe directory such as /srv/ and make it executable with the following command.
# sudo chmod +x
# 5. This script must be run as root. To run a backup now:
# sudo ./
# 6. Set up a cron job to run this backup on a predefined schedule (optional).
# sudo crontab -u root -e
# Add the following line to the crontab to conduct a weekly backup every Saturday at 2:00am.
# 0 2 * * sat root sh /srv/ > /srv/backupToB2.log
# Save, quit and check that the crontab has been installed using the following command.
# sudo crontab -u root -l
# Name of BackBlaze B2 Bucket
# Path to NextCloud installation
# Path to NextCloud data directory
# MySQL/MariaDB Database credentials
# Check if running as root
if [ '$(id -u)'!='0' ];then
echo'This script must be run as root'1>&2
exit 1
date +'%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y'
# Put NextCloud into maintenance mode.
# This ensures consistency between the database and data directory.
sudo -u www-data php $nextcloud_dir/occ maintenance:mode --on
# Dump database and backup to B2
mysqldump --single-transaction -h$db_host -u$db_user -p$db_pass$db_name> nextcloud.sql
b2 upload_file $b2_bucket nextcloud.sql NextCloudDB/nextcloud.sql
rm nextcloud.sql
# Sync data to B2, then disable maintenance mode
# NextCloud will be unavailable during the sync. This will take a while if you added much data since your last backup.
# If /media/external/CloudDATA is not your data directory, modify the --excludeRegex flag accordingly, which excludes the NC cache from getting synced to B2.
b2 sync --excludeRegex '/media/external/CloudDATA/cache/.*'$data_dir b2://$b2_bucket$data_dir
sudo -u www-data php $nextcloud_dir/occ maintenance:mode --off
date +'%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y'

Nextcloud Backblaze B2

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