Domain Name Resolution Cisco Anyconnect

[solved] how to resolve the Cisco Anyconnect error message “VPN connection failed due to unsuccessful domain name resolution”

Domain Name Resolution Cisco AnyconnectAnyconnect

The above message is a very common message caused by the local internet provider DNS resolution failure and cane be fixed very easily.

below is the error message that you may get when trying to connect to the VPN while connected to the home internet.

Enter the Domain name in the field provided and then click Apply. Verify AnyConnect VPN Connectivity. Click on the AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client icon. In the AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client window, enter the gateway IP address and the gateway port number separated by a colon (:), and then click Connect. The VPN connection failed due to unsuccessful domain name resolution. This suggests you haven't filled in correctly. The VPN client agent was unable to create the interprocess communication depot. It is stored in C: ProgramData Cisco Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Profile (Windows 7). If you open up that hidden directory and look for the profile you can examine the xml file for the host name that AnyConnect uses in that profile. Look for a section like.

You will see that Cisco Anyconnect displays an error message where it is not able to connect to the VPN host using the hostname.

The first thing you will need to confirm is if the DNS resolution is working and in order to confirm that you will need to run the command prompt.

Launch the command prompt by going “start” “run” type “cmd” – see the screenshot for reference.


You can test the resolution by pinging

  1. type “ping” and you can see Ping is not resolving.
  2. nslookup for does not resolve and shows a loop back address as a dns server.

Cisco Anyconnect Log

One good place to see more logs is by going to the gear icon on the Cisco Anyconnect. see the screenshot below for reference.

Find answers to Cisco AnyConnect: The VPN connection failed due to unsuccessful domain name resolution. From the expert community at Experts Exchange. If this name resolution occurs before the necessary VPN routes to the VPN DNS server are added to the VPN interface, this DNS name resolution fails. And it returns 'DsGetDcName function Failed with ERRORNOSUCHDOMAIN.' Then, this result is cached. The DNS name resolution failure might also create a negative DNS cache.

Go to the VPN tab and message history and you can see how many times, the client tried to connect and failed.

Start the command prompt again to test the DNS resolution.

CSCsv34395 - Add Support In AnyConnect For Proxying The FQDN To DHCP Server

Chengdu leetro automation driver download for windows. This time use the DNS lookup using the google DNS server and you will see a response and that confirms that is the DNS server.

You can update the DNS server by manually adding the google DNS server for a temporary fix until your internet provider fixes the issue.

Anyconnect Unsuccessful Domain Name Resolution

Thanks for ready this.